Laser Treatments

Laser Hair Removal With Candela GentleMax Pro and GentleLase Laser
Ditch the Razor! Save time and hassles by shaving and experience laser hair remover instead. Say goodbye to shaving!
The GentleLase Laser is an Alexandrite laser used safely and effectively to destroy hair follicles beneath the surface of the skin. The treatment may be performed on any area of the body and on any skin type if the correct source of light is used. Treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Common areas of treatment for men and women include the legs, chest, face, abdomen, back, bikini line and underarms..
Laser Facials
This treatment uses a laser to decrease fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. It tightens skin to bring back that youthful look.
Toenail Fungus Treatment
This treatment treats all 10 of your toes or fingers with the laser every 4-6 weeks. Due to slow nail growth, results may not be noticeable for 3-plus months. Toenails may take 9-12 months and fingernails may take 6-9 months to grow out. Severely infected nails may take longer.
Treatment of Pigmented Lesions
The laser system is designed to remove pigmented lesions with one treatment.
Laser Spider Vein Removal
This treatment is for the legs or face. You may need several treatments for the veins to disappear completely.
Thermonuclear Machine
This treatment removes milia, cholesterol deposits, cherry angiomas, sun spots/age spots, spider capillaries, keratosis, fibromas and skin tags.
Laser Hair Removal FAQs
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We found that the level of discomfort varies depending on several factors. The area that’s receiving treatment, (some areas are more sensitive than others), individual tolerance, skin and hair type. Coarse hair might cause more discomfort than fine hair. Overall, laser hair removal causes very little discomfort in comparison to waxing.
All of our treatments are performed by Medical Professionals who are extensively trained in laser hair removal, and our location is under the supervision of a physician. We also have an external training program, certification process and continuing education requirements.
After extensive testing, the FDA approved lasers for permanent hair reduction in 1995. Since the technology has not been around for a lifetime yet, it would be misleading to say that laser hair removal lasts a lifetime. One thing is for sure, once you visit Elegant Image Day Spa, you will meet staff members and see testimonials from people who have not waxed, tweezed or shaved in years! Clearly, it's effective or we wouldn't be in business!!!
Pre Hair Removal Treatment Expectations:
1. Do not wax, tweeze or use hair removal creams at anytime during the treatment.
2. It is important to stay out of the sun for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment. This includes tanning beds and self-tanning creams. We cannot treat anyone with a sunburn or fresh tan.
3. Please shave the area to be treated within 24 hours before your treatment. We can do a little touch up but shaving large areas is best done in the comfort of your home.
4. It is best not to wear make up on an area to be treated; but you can always remove it before your laser session. ALL skin products MUST be removed thoroughly prior to laser treatment.
5. Guests undergoing bikini line hair removal should wear a narrow cut panty or swim suit.
6. If the area we are treating requires disrobing, you will be given a towel to drape yourself. In general, most clients are able to keep some or all of their clothes on during the procedure.
7. Please be on time for your appointment. We make every effort to ensure our Guests do not have to wait. We reserve the right to reschedule your appointment if you are late or have not complied with the pre-treatment instructions.
8. We recommend that you not use Retin-A two weeks prior to treatment if the Retin-A product causes skin irritation or inflammation in the area. You may resume Retin-A after your laser treatment unless your skin is irritated from the laser. In that case, we recommend waiting until your skin returns to normal following laser treatment.
9. Prior to your appointment, please make arrangements with someone to watch your children since they cannot be in the room with the laser due to the chance of exposing their eyes to the laser.
10. If you are on or have been on antibiotics within two weeks of your appointment please let us know before coming to your treatment because some antibiotics are photosensive and can cause burns or sensitivity.
Treatment costs vary with the size of the area treated, the hair and skin type, and the number of treatments that will be required. For instance, the cost to do a man's chest varies depending on how much hair is present, and where. If the hair is course, it might take more treatments. For the most part, laser hair removal will cost you less in the long run than razors, shaving cream, waxing, etc.; not to mention the time saved year after year. Since the cost of laser hair removal is very individualized it is important to schedule a complimentary consultation to review your needs with one of our Guest Services experts.